Aquatic Programs
MWR GTMO has 2 outdoor pools and a splash-pad to help meet your aquatic needs for training or fun!
WINDJAMMER Pool (x2205):
This outdoor recreational-swim pool is located behind the Windjammer complex.
There are 2 flume slides, inflatable rec pieces, climbing walls, and a wading pool with a kiddie slide.
Windjammer pool offers recreational swimming, swim lessons, and Aquatic Special events.
For complete information on WJ pool operations, programs, rules, and more, please go to the Windjammer Pool tab.
MARINE HILL Pool (x2825):
is a 50-yard outdoor pool primarily used for lap swim and training, located near PWD. The Marine Hill pool has 4 short-course (25 yard) lap lanes and 4 long-course (50 yard) lap lanes.
Marine Hill pool offers Lap swim, Command training/PT (by reservation), SCUBA classes, and self-paced swim events. For complete information on MH pool operations, programs, rules, and more, please go to the Marine Hill Pool tab.

is an unmanned, zero-depth water playground, located behind the School-Age Care building at Radio/Paola Point.
It features water play spouts and sprinklers meant for younger children.
For complete information on SplashPad use, rules, and more, please go to the SplashPad tab.
SplashPad Hours:
US holidays 0900-1800.
CLOSED Thursdays for maintenance