Downtown Lyceum


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Downtown Lyceum (DTL) is one of three outdoor movie theaters located at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. DTL provides movies 7 nights a week. All movies are free to the public. There is also a full service concession stand.

**In accordance with CNICINST 1710.3, there will be no outside food or beverages permitted at the Downtown Lyceum. THERE WILL BE ABSOLUTELY NO COOLERS, NO COOLER BAGS, NO OUTSIDE FOOD, NO OUTSIDE BEVERAGES/ALCOHOL CONTAINERS.** -Exceptions will be made for special dietary needs that don't come in a cooler or cooler bag.




[{Key: id, Value: 9c3b93d0-f0e8-4c4d-a813-cc9fe32e8307}, {Key: title, Value: Dog Man}, {Key: type, Value: }, {Key: showTime, Value: 8:00 PM}, {Key: rating, Value: pg}, {Key: runningTime, Value: 89}, {Key: description, Value: }]
Wednesday - March 26, 2025
Time Movie Rating Runtime
8:00 PM Dog Man pg 89 min
[{Key: id, Value: 855dfbab-7ae7-4c35-b6cc-258332d6f7a7}, {Key: title, Value: Companion}, {Key: type, Value: }, {Key: showTime, Value: 8:00 PM}, {Key: rating, Value: r}, {Key: runningTime, Value: 97}, {Key: description, Value: }]
Thursday - March 27, 2025
Time Movie Rating Runtime
8:00 PM Companion r 97 min